We always like attending Church when traveling. Our good friends on the left, Steve & Justin, and on the right a family friend we unexpectedly ran into there - Elder Steven Thomas from Nampa, ID!!
Welcome - Just Getting Started
This is our first try. We will get organized and beef up this page. For now, we are excited to share a little about us and our family. Watch for more to come!
April 2008: Our First Grads in the Family!
Meg and Chase - glad it's done!
Family Shtuff
Karli at work.........really?!! (Partyland)
February 2008: Annual Sun Valley Trip
We love the Idaho Mountains! Isn't this beautiful?!
November 2007: A Bitter Sweet Moment
As with many members of our faith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), our 19 year old son chose to serve our Lord on a 2 year mission. Bitter because he will be gone for 2 years, Sweet because he is faithfully serving our Lord. Following are pictures from his 'Farewell', an open house in his honor - as is customary prior to their departure.
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